
Pars Super Jumbo Bell Drinker (code: PD-112) has more advantages compared with previous models and so, it has wide market in the Middle East.

The difference of the model is that instead of placing a metal ring, a heavy plastic disk is used to get the drinker washable and more balanced.

It is made by high quality plastic which guarantees the efficiency of the product.

Feathers & Specifications:

Patented. Washable.

More immune against bio film and microbes.

Strong body with approximate weight of 1900 g.

Each pack contains 10 units. Pack size:40*40*80

Number of units in 40ft container: approxi-mately 3750-3850 .

1-For every 80 birds, one drinker is sufficient.

2-Adjust the height of the drinker due to the size of the bird. drinkers’ edge height should be slightly above the bird’s back height.

3-Keep water level in the bell trough as low as possible.

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