Calf Stomach Tube
Calf stomach tube
Occasionally, the gasses in the rumen of the animal will not be ejected through the mouth and the animal will become bloated.
The main symptoms of bloating:
Ruminal enlargement, swelling on the left side of the livestock or both sides of the livestock.
Foaming Mouth of livestock
Bloating caused by eating fresh alfalfa, especially in the morning, when there is also dew on the alfalfa.
Sometimes bloating comes out of the rumen by walking animals on the upper head.
In addition, edible oils or medicines can used under veterinary supervision.
If the gassy bloat is still there you should passed a stomach tube into the rumen than the gas will escape through the tube.
The calf stomach tube is made of strong, soft polymers.
Calf stomach tube are in convex shape to prevent damaging the rumen.
Inside this product there is a narrow axis that allows the gas to exit the rumen by going forward and backward.
Sometimes the stomach tube using to feed colostrum to the calf.
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